Homespace Plans: Nearest Future

Homespace Metasite Network
2 min readApr 29, 2022


  1. Upcoming NFT sale of Neural Orbs, which provides the holder with early access to the Human Replication program with an ability to join IDO WhiteList
  2. Seed round and public announcement of all Homespace Metaverse partnerships
  3. IDO on launchpad within 2Q 2022

What should you expect from Homespace in the next couple of months from the development side?
- Closed beta testing for active members of the Homespace community with some additional benefits
- Testing of our Artificial Intelligence built on GPT-3 protocol from OpenAI
- Public launch of the first Demo with streaming through a browser with showcases functionality

We are happy to say that Homespace Metaverse is evolving on a daily basis. Our team has visited Amsterdam Devconnect and gathered many valuable contacts and potential partners, and we also became a part of the zkSync ecosystem officially.

About Homespace

Homespace is a Metaverse with photorealistic graphics where boundaries between real and virtual worlds are erased. It is a new type of social network that will allow spending time with friends in private worlds and public virtual spaces. Part of the Homespace project is Artificial Intelligence, which can develop into an AI Assistant, a friend, or a companion.

🔥Have a chance to purchase our NFT Shuttles!🔥

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