Introducing IO — The First Concept of our Artificial Intelligence Assistant
To take social media to the next level and fulfill the primary mission of our project, we are developing AI based on machine learning through our system. It is the heart of our project and the reason why it is so important to us that people put their whole soul into their Homespaces. In katathym-imaginative psychotherapy, the dream home a person visualizes is a direct reflection of their subconscious. Our social network could lead to a new era in machine learning development and possibly help us understand and address the core issue of the human soul — the ability to create something from the ashes.
We take the privacy of our user data very seriously and it isour policy of protecting it from any commercial uses.
The main projects within our AI are:
1. Project “Personality” (working title)
Based on the data collected from users’ interactions with the HomeSpace project, including your sense of taste and colour choices, we can create an AI copy of your personality in your Homespace. This will allow users to keep their digital copy within HomeSpace. That way, even when they’re not around, part of their personality will remain inside the system. It will even communicate with the guests of Homespaces. We will create an open, code-free, visualised data architecture that will allow users to change their own AI identities to improve their way of seeing themselves and adjust the parameters for interacting with different users.
With NLP technology, it will speak with your voice. With Homespace MindCopy, it will think like you and give advice like you, and, if you want, with Unreal Engine Meta-Human and our recognition technologies, it will look like you.
In the video above, you can see the capabilities of this technology.
2. AI Assistant
A single self-learning AI that will be analogous to corporate with IoT assistants but trained to interact with the user and with external services (food shopping, ordering from restaurants, calling external phones). Based on our research into multiple human personalities, we will create a self-developing personality system, the soul of our project, an AI assistant that bridges the gap between the real world and the virtual home. Our ambitious plan is to bring our artificial intelligence into near-real life in the form of an app. This will be present and interact with the user both in virtual and real-life through an IoT device that we will develop later (our company has already been developing similar things as part of the company’s side-project, Vergil Smart Wear). In the future, an AI assistant will also be introduced as part of the on-board AI of our clothing collection.
3. «BestFriend» recommendation system
As a social network, our goal is to solve the eternal problem of loneliness. Based on the information we will gather from our avatar, and thanks to the multi-agent technology of our partners from SmartDecision (introduced in our company by Sergey Kozhevnikov), we can create communications between different agents (avatars). Based on the results, we recommend our users’ future friends with the best possible match.
4. Machine Learning Assistant
Our assistant within Creative Mode will recommend solutions to our users for a better experience. If we get access to GPT3 technology, it will allow us to change the way people can create unique spaces.
5. The «Afterdeath Project»
It is a future commercial product, which opens up the possibility of keeping the AI identity inside Homespace forever for posterity. The user will pay the server rental fee. If we resolve the legal issues, it will be allowed to upload other people’s data to Avatar — such as the personality of your relatives or even your dog.
Our main mission in serving humanity is to make our AI a personal psychologist and therapist for each of our users. Completely private, personal and free of charge. We plan to do a lot of research in this area and integrate best practices from several different fields of psychotherapy into our AI systems. For this, we will ask for help from European institutes and research grant programmes. We believe that this can make the world a better place because we believe that there are no bad people, only unhappy ones. We will write about what we plan to do concretely in our next article.
If you’re a psychotherapist, social psychologist, AI developer or developer of any technology we might use as part of this project, and you like any part of the project, we’d love to get your CV. We give our tokens and will try to put most of our income into this research and development. If you have a project that can be integrated into ours — we are open to a partnership.
About HomeSpace
HomeSpace is a decentralized social network, which is an array of photo-realistic virtual worlds with architecture — visualizations of “dream homes” with a separate world for each user, adapted for mobile devices, PC, VR and artificial intelligence within it.
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We also have a News Channel where you can monitor the latest news of the HomeSpace project.